海外在住の方へ 資料請求の手順
Brochure Request Form for Those Living Abroad


●Notification about Delivery
It may take some extra days to deliver the package because of some unusual postal circumstances.
Please check the link below before requesting the brochure.
→【Japan Post】Web site


●ご注意 Attention

こちらは、 現在海外にお住まいの方のための資料請求ページです。
➡留学生用 資料請求フォームは【こちら】

➡日本人用 資料請求フォームは【こちら】

This webpage is for those living abroad now.
Those currently living in Japan should request a brochure via the links below.
【Brochure Request Form】… for International Students with STUDENT VISA
【Brochure Request Form】… for Students with Japanese Nationality / International Students whose Status of Residence is other than STUDENT VISA
*The application process and the entrance examination you take will depend on which visa you have/will get. Those who have/will get a student visa should request a guideline for international students. Meanwhile, those who have/will get any visa other than a student visa should request a guideline same as Japanese students.


●資料の内容について About the brochure contents

お送りする資料はすべて 日本語 です。
送付予定の入学案内書・募集要項は、 以下のページでも同じものがご覧いただけます

The brochure and some other materials we will send you are written all in Japanese.
The brochure and application guidelines are also available online.
【School Guide (Digital Brochure)
【Application Guidelines for International Students (PDF)
*Only those who will apply for next spring’s entrance should request our brochure by email so that you can get an application form.


●資料の請求方法 How to request a brochure from abroad

タイトルに「文化服装学院 資料請求」、本文に以下の内容を記入し、送信してください。

Please send us an e-mail to request a brochure.
Make sure you write a subject, and state all of the following information 1~5.
*The e-mail address below is for brochure requests only. We are sorry but we cannot respond to any other questions and requests.
*It will take a few weeks until a brochure arrives. If you are thinking of applying, request a brochure and the application form in advance so that you can submit it in time for the deadline.

*The application process and the entrance examination you take will depend on which visa you have/will get. Those who have/will get a student visa will take the exam for international students. Meanwhile, those who have/will get any visa other than a student visa will take the same exam as Japanese-nationality students. The application schedule and required documents are different between those two. If you are not sure which exam you will take, call us at 03-3299-2216. (English-speaking staff may not always be available.)


請求先: bfc-brochurerequest*bunka.ac.jp
Please just replace “*” of the email address above with “@” before you send us an email.

Subject: Request Bunka Fashion College Brochure
  1. 希望資料の種類:日本人用入学案内書(願書含む)or 留学生用入学案内書(願書含む)
    Which brochure would you like, “for Japanese students” or “for international students”?
    (*Again, all materials we will send are written in Japanese.)
  2. 送付先住所(ローマ字表記)
    Your address, postal code, country
  3. 氏名(ローマ字表記)
    Your name
  4. メールアドレス
    Your email address
  5. 国籍
    Your nationality

資料請求 受験生向けイベント情報 TOPへ